Posts in PH Upright Piano
Carlos Cipa X PH Pianos

In early fall of 2021, we invited Carlos Cipa, the Munich-based composer and pianist, to visit the PH Pianos showroom in the heart of Copenhagen, to create some new music.

With over 500,000 monthly listens on each of the major streaming platforms, Cipa is a well-known pianist/composer who plays masterworks and creates and performs his own interesting and cinematic compositions.

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Avril 14th by Aphex Twin

Avril 14th, by Aphex Twin, became a runaway pop culture hit thanks to its inclusion on major motion pictures including MarieAntoinette, FourLions and Her. The piece was one of several that Aphex Twin released after he left a memory stick with a copy of the unedited versions of music on an airplane. This piece was one of the most recognizable melodies of the release, and the melody has been sampled many times including by Kanye West. This rendition is performed by Christine Eggert on the PH Upright Piano in the heart of Copenhagen’s design district.

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The PH Upright Piano: Poul Henningsen Piano Design For Smaller Spaces

In 1939 Poul Henningsen made a design for an upright piano featuring the same signature features as its larger counterpart, the PH Grand Piano. Poul Henningsen’s PH Upright Piano has the same design hallmarks of the PH Grand Piano: fundamental to the shape is a minimal body that is sleek, fluidly shaped and devoid of the hard angles expected of a standard equivalent ‘upright piano’.

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