PH Pianos

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The PH Grand Piano: Poul Henningsen’s Danish Design Classic, Today Built by Blüthner in Germany

Poul Henningsen (PH) first revealed his design for the PH Grand Piano in 1930. The PH Grand Piano represents an evolution in piano design that is still as ground-breaking today as it was in the 1930s. Today, the enduring popularity of the PH Grand Piano both as a piece of art and as a functional designer piano of the finest quality means that the PH Grand Piano has become as Danish design classic that can also be found in the Designmuseum Danmark.

Poul Henningsen deconstructed the traditional concept of how the instrument that is  a grand piano should be presented and in doing so created a piano that is not only a fine musical instrument but has also become a Danish design classic. An early version of the PH Grand Piano can be found - along with several other of Poul Henningsen’s designs for lighting and furniture - in the Designmuseum Danmark on Bredgade in Copenhagen. Vintage models of the Poul Henningsen PH Grand Piano are highly sought after and command high values at auction. 

For those keen to own a Poul Henningsen designed PH Grand Piano it is no longer necessary to wait for a vintage PH Piano to become listed for auction. PH Pianos are producing the PH Grand Piano under the worldwide exclusive license from the estate of the late Poul Henningsen. Crafted in Leipzig by Blüthner, the PH Grand Piano produced today is a designer piano that is completely customisable, so it is possible for PH Pianos to create a PH Grand Piano to suit any interiors setting. Components of the PH Grand Piano that can be customised include all the metal parts, including the legs and lyre, as well as the leather banding around the centre of the piano body.

Since the PH Grand Piano is a Poul Henningsen designed piano built by Blüthner in the same way as a standard Blüthner grand piano using the same hand crafted piano building technique and materials, the sound quality and superior piano action is assured. Blüthner grand pianos have been built in Leipzig by the family owned Blüthner business since 1853 and the Blüthner grand piano can be found in concert halls, music studios, public spaces and homes worldwide. The Blüthner grand piano is famous for its ‘Golden Tone’ and PH Pianos are delighted that the PH Grand Piano is built by Blüthner in the 21st Century.

The PH Grand Piano combines the finest aesthetics expected of a designer grand piano with exceptional functionality and sound quality. Blüthner grand pianos are the the first choice of pianists worldwide for both recording and performance and combined with the distinctive appearance that makes the PH Grand Piano a Danish design classic that can be found in the Designmuseum Danmark, the PH Grand Piano is both a work of art and the most exceptional of fine musical instruments.

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